Friday, August 22, 2008

09/08/08 @ 9am

I just wanted to remind you all that your first day of work as a Peer Advisor will be September 8th at 9am. We'll all meet as a group that day and then we'll decide our schedules for the rest of the week.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

T-shirts and Van Driving

Wow! Time is flying by. You all will be here in just three short weeks.
Here's an update, we will have an additional van, which brings our total up to 4 vans. One of our students is in a wheelchair so we added a van that will be accessible for him and we'll all be more comfortable not having to scrunch into 3 vans. You have received an email from Don asking you all to take an online safety driving test. Please do that ASAP.

I have a draft of what the designer has created for our t-shirts.

I would like your opinions.
The larger arched images are for the back of the shirt and the smaller "SEP" images are for the sleeve. Let me know which is your favorite!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Possible Scenarios for College Etiquette

Please refer to the College Etiquette blog if you're not familiar with what I'm referring to...

I've been looking at the feedback I've received from WOU faculty and staff. One of the major themes is the idea of how and when to ask questions in and out of the classroom. I'm thinking we should have a scenario of a student who isn't understanding the material in class and doesn't ask questions when he/she should. Then flash forward to receiving his/her first grade on a midterm and discovering that he didn't understand the concepts. We can show a "what not to do" scenario and then show a more effective way to approach the situation.

Another theme I found was how to deal with leaving class early or arriving late. We can just incorporate this into an in-class activity, in-which each of you exhibit a disruptive classroom behavior and then we discuss why it was disruptive.

I like Cristal's idea of having one of the scenarios deal with procrastination. One theme that did come up in the emails from faculty was students that wait until the last minute to ask for an extension on a paper or to ask a question about the homework that's due that day. I think it's important for students to know that when they wait until the last minute to seek help from faculty, that leaves a very bad impression.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Hi Everyone!

Kelsii called the other day to let me know that she won't be able to join us for Summer Bridge. I just wanted to let you know.

Also, Letitia contacted someone at the local paper and they are going to do a story about our Service Learning Project.

We've got most of the schedule finalized. There may still be some changes to our evening activities.

I'm still waiting to get the design for our t-shirts. One of the graphic designers is working on it. If I get the images, I'll try to post them to this blog.

Monday, July 21, 2008

College Etiquette

Hi again!

For the past two years we've done a "College Etiquette 101" workshop and the Peer Advisors have helped me create videotaped scenarios. These have been fun in the past. We've picked different situations (like a student missing class, not paying attention in class, etc.) and dramatized them to show during the workshop. It's an entertaining way to show them "what not to do" and it can be pretty funny. Do you all have any ideas of scenearios or situations that you'd like to create a skit for? We usually videotape them the week before Summer Bridge while you are all on-campus getting things ready.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Hi Everyone!

I need to start working on the t-shirt design to have enough time to get it printed. I'm trying to find images that connect with Mardi Gras and it's tough to find ones that are simple enough to work for a t-shirt and something that a guy and a girl could wear (most of them are kind of "girly" looking).

If any of you have some time or some talent to design something of your own or find an image online, like through i-stock, let me know.


Monday, July 14, 2008

Assignments & Service Learning

Luis posted a good question - When are we going to start assigning projects for each of you? I think we should talk about this as a group. In our last meeting we talked a little about individual projects and interests. From what I remember, Sam had mentioned contacting Salem Rep. Theater or the Improv Group about doing an evening performance. I remember Renita mentioning wanting to work on the roommate agreements for Summer Bridge. I remember talking to Luis about the Service Learning component. Oh! I have news about the Service Learning Project. We came up with a great idea at a staff meeting. It was really Letitia's idea but we all loved it. We are going to be doing a kind of mini "home make-over" for a local family in Independence. Letitia knows the family and they are in great need of help. We were thinking of just helping in their yard, painting the house and other little projects that around 40 of us could do easily in a few hours. Wouldn't that be incredibly rewarding? To see the work we accomplish that day benefit a needy family! I think it's going to be an amazing experience. We were planning on doing that on Saturday morning and then having the afternoon for fun activities with the group, maybe going to Silver Falls or something. We would still go to the beach but maybe plan that for an evening activity. We used to go to the beach for a barbecue and bonfire on Thursday night.

What do you all think? What projects would you like to take on? I can't remember if we decided on a good activity the night they move-in, Sunday.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Roomate Agreement

Hey Everyone,

Here's a link to WOU's Roommate Agreement through Residence Life. I know Renita had mentioned wanted to do this with the Summer Bridge Roommates. It's pretty long so maybe we can condense it a little, since they'll only be living together for a few days.

Let me know what you think.
Thanks- Audrey

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I'm creating this blog space for our Summer Bridge Peer Advisors: Jamin, Sam, Luis, Renita, Kelsii and Cristal can communicate with each other.

I hope you all are having an excellent summer! We miss you at SEP.

I want to hear how you all are doing and get reports back and what you learned when you researched Mardi Gras.

We'll see if this work. You should be able to set-up a profile and post a response.