Wednesday, August 20, 2008

T-shirts and Van Driving

Wow! Time is flying by. You all will be here in just three short weeks.
Here's an update, we will have an additional van, which brings our total up to 4 vans. One of our students is in a wheelchair so we added a van that will be accessible for him and we'll all be more comfortable not having to scrunch into 3 vans. You have received an email from Don asking you all to take an online safety driving test. Please do that ASAP.

I have a draft of what the designer has created for our t-shirts.

I would like your opinions.
The larger arched images are for the back of the shirt and the smaller "SEP" images are for the sleeve. Let me know which is your favorite!


Anonymous said...


I was looking at the ideas for the t-shirts, I like the small SEP with the masks and the big Summer Bridge with the mask. I think that the front and back should match. Even if we decide to not have the masks it would be more uniform to have both sides the same. I am looking forward to meeitng up with everyone again, I hope that the summer is going well,

talk to you later


Cristal said...


I like the SEP letters in red, the first one on the page. & the summer bridge without the masks. I feel that the boys may not like the idea of the masks because it may appear too "girly" This way it is gender equal. You still feel the mardi gras theme & they will know too through the experience as well.