Thursday, August 7, 2008

Possible Scenarios for College Etiquette

Please refer to the College Etiquette blog if you're not familiar with what I'm referring to...

I've been looking at the feedback I've received from WOU faculty and staff. One of the major themes is the idea of how and when to ask questions in and out of the classroom. I'm thinking we should have a scenario of a student who isn't understanding the material in class and doesn't ask questions when he/she should. Then flash forward to receiving his/her first grade on a midterm and discovering that he didn't understand the concepts. We can show a "what not to do" scenario and then show a more effective way to approach the situation.

Another theme I found was how to deal with leaving class early or arriving late. We can just incorporate this into an in-class activity, in-which each of you exhibit a disruptive classroom behavior and then we discuss why it was disruptive.

I like Cristal's idea of having one of the scenarios deal with procrastination. One theme that did come up in the emails from faculty was students that wait until the last minute to ask for an extension on a paper or to ask a question about the homework that's due that day. I think it's important for students to know that when they wait until the last minute to seek help from faculty, that leaves a very bad impression.


Cristal said...

that all sounds great...except about kelsi :( that the paper will be doing a story on us, letting them know how we care for our community...

Let me know if you need help with anything else :)

Anonymous said...

I think that those scenerios would be good. We could do a lot with those ideas. I am sad to hear that Kelsii will not be joining us. I will miss having her. I am excited about the chance to shouw the community what SEP program has been doing over the years especially with the community service project. I am looking forward to it.

Have a great day!

~ Renita ~

Audrey said...

Thanks for your comments girls! It's reassuring to know that the blogs being read from time to time. It won't be long until you all are here and we're gearing up for another year!