Monday, July 21, 2008

College Etiquette

Hi again!

For the past two years we've done a "College Etiquette 101" workshop and the Peer Advisors have helped me create videotaped scenarios. These have been fun in the past. We've picked different situations (like a student missing class, not paying attention in class, etc.) and dramatized them to show during the workshop. It's an entertaining way to show them "what not to do" and it can be pretty funny. Do you all have any ideas of scenearios or situations that you'd like to create a skit for? We usually videotape them the week before Summer Bridge while you are all on-campus getting things ready.

1 comment:

Cristal said...

dozing off in class
talking during class and being put on the spot
your cell phone going off!!!
what you look like texting in class

this is what i got! :)